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Supporting People with a Learning Disability at the End of Life

Aim of session:

To understand and better serve those with learning disabilities at end of life.

3 hours

Staff group: Any health and social care staff who are interested in providing better end of life care for people with a learning disability. Care home staff, nurses with patients in the community, LD carers with limited knowledge about the end-of-life care, social workers wishing to find way to have these difficult conversations would all benefit.

Learning outcomes

It is well evidenced that people with learning disabilities are four times more likely to die from treatable conditions and are disadvantaged by the assumptions and stereotypical beliefs held by others.

  •  Identify the barriers to high quality end of life care for people with learning disabilities
  •  Why people with learning disabilities are more likely to die from treatable conditions
  • The importance of communication when caring for people at end of life
  • Understand the family’s perspective and experience

Princess Alice Hospice staff will discuss case studies of people on the ward and the complex needs around family circumstances, capacity, and safe living accommodation.

A family carer who will draw on her own experiences to discuss the challenges for families and how it feels when we get end of life care right.

To book your place, please go to and find the course you are interested in, click on the button "Book here", fill in the online form, entering the course code STH-PAH when requested.

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