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The safety and welfare of children and adults is of paramount importance to NHS Surrey Heartlands.

NHS Surrey Heartlands host safeguarding adults and children, Looked after Children (LAC) and Child Death Review arrangements and employ a Surrey Wide Safeguarding Team, covering safeguarding children, safeguarding adults, looked after children and child death review.

To contact a member of the Surrey-wide ICB safeguarding team, please email . If you have an urgent safeguarding concern, please see the contact details below, or dial 999 in case of immediate danger to any individual.

Report a concern for a child

If you are concerned about a child or young person's safety and wellbeing, you can contact the  Children's Services Single Point of Access  between 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.

  • Phone: 0300 470 9100 (available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
  • Email:
  • Out of hours phone: 01483 517898 to speak to the emergency Duty Team
  • Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 0300 200 1005
  • SMS: 07527 182 861 (for the deaf or hard of hearing)
  • VRS:  Sign Language Video Relay Service

Report a concern for an adult

If you are concerned about an adult with care and support needs, who is at risk of or is being abused or neglected and is unable to protect themselves or suspect someone else is, you need to report it.

To do this, contact the  Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) . This is the initial point of contact that aims to improve the safeguarding response for adults at risk of abuse or neglect through better information sharing and high-quality and timely responses.

Upcoming Training

Information on safeguarding training requirements can be found via the RCGP Safeguarding Hub; these were updated in October 2024. A useful summary can be accessed via the RCGP podcast included in the link below, and/or the Surrey webinar of November 2024.

Course:  Safeguarding Hub | RCGP Learning

RCGP Safeguarding Standards and Toolkit Webinar
Length of video is 1hr = 60 minutes (Level 3 Safeguarding Children & Adults)

Safeguarding Webinar Videos

Please note certificates are not automatically generated. In order to receive a certificate you must complete the SmartSurvey for each video viewed. There is a SmartSurvey link in the description of each video. The Safeguarding Team will email your certificate on the 1st of the month. Should you require your certificate more urgently, please email:  including the name of the webinar/s that you have viewed.

Due to the sensitivity of the content, the following videos are password protected. Please contact us  (monitored Monday to Wednesday only) or your GP tutor to obtain the password.

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