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Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW)/Healthcare Assistant (HCA)

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Role Description

“Healthcare Support Worker” (HCSW) and “Healthcare Assistant” (HCA) – these terms often refer to the same role in Primary and Community Care. Both terms describe non-registered clinical staff who assist in patient care and related activities under the supervision of a Registered Healthcare Professional such as a Practice Nurse or Allied Health Professional (AHP).

HCSW and HCAs work across the whole life course from birth to end of life, supporting registered nurses in the delivery of nursing care. They may be based in community setting, health centres or in General Practices.

What can Healthcare Support Workers / Healthcare Assistants offer to patients in a Primary Care setting?

The HCSW/HCA role is often the first step onto a career ladder that can open up opportunities to train into registered roles. 

In a health centre and GP surgery, healthcare assistants may carry out the following duties (this list is not exhaustive): 

  • New patient and NHS health checks 
  • Supporting Public Health / Prevention Programmes 
  • Carrying out base line observations such as Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Respiratory rate 
  • On-going monitoring of chronic conditions such as Blood Sugar and INR monitoring 
  • Assist in long term condition reviews under Registered Nurses direct/indirect supervision. 
  • Deliver health promotion or health education advice. 
  • Simple wound care and dressings 
  • Adult immunisations (with additional training) – influenza, pneumonia, shingles 
  • Phlebotomy
  • Administering injections 
  • ECG’S 

Employers are required to evaluate which tasks they wish the HCSW to undertake and ensure they have appropriate training to underpin their activity.

Registrable Qualification

No registrable qualification required.

HCSWs / HCAs are not registered with a professional body and the employer is accountable for their actions and omissions. It is vital that employers make sure that HCSW/HACs work within the limits of their competence.

Additional Qualifications/Training Required for Primary Care

There are no specific national requirements for becoming an HCA or HCSW.

It is recommended to gain some experience of healthcare work either in the form of voluntary or paid work. There are sometimes  apprenticeships in healthcare that can give you experience to apply for HCSW/HCA posts.

Recommended training requirements include –
  • Basic training which includes fundamental nursing skills appropriate to employment setting
  • Working towards Care Certificate which has been jointly developed by   Skills for Care Skills for Health and Health Education England to meet the 15 standards required by the Care Quality Commission as set out in the Care Certificate. The Care Certificate is aimed at equipping health and social care support workers with the knowledge and skills which they need to provide safe and compassionate care. It can be done as part of a Level 2 or Level 3 Health and Social Care Programme (Apprenticeship) or as part of a robust induction when starting your career in Health and Social Care. It is free to access through:
    Additional modules may also be completed depending on local needs i.e. integrated care working
  • Statuary and Mandatory Skills - The UK core skills training framework has been developed by Skills for Health (National Skills Academy). This tool identifies minimum learning outcomes for the main subjects that frequently feature within statutory and mandatory training in the NHS. Download mapping tool:
Additional skills and qualities required –
  • Be caring and kind
  • Willing to provide hands-on clinical care for patients
  • Able to follow instructions and procedures and accept delegation
  • Able to work in a team
  • Able to use their own initiative
Have excellent:
  • Communication skills
  • Organisational skills
  • Observational skills
  • Good literacy and numeracy skills, ideally with Functional level 2 skills in Maths and English

Regulatory Body

Not applicable

HCSW/HCAs are not registered with a professional body and the employer is accountable for their actions and omissions. Employers have a duty to ensure that HCSW/HCAs are properly trained and supervised and work within the limits of their competence.

Supervision Requirements

  • HCSW/HCAs must work under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional, generally a registered nurse. They are part of the nursing team and should have a named point of contact for support. This could be a Practice Nurse or Allied Health Professional (AHP).
  • Line management

What can the Training Hub offer you?

A chance to study for qualifications through an Apprenticeship Programme such as –

  • Level 2 Healthcare Support Worker
  • Level 3 Senior Healthcare Support Worker
  • HCSW/HCAs with a level 2/3 qualification have the opportunity to progress onto the Nursing Associate programme
  • Opportunity to develop career by gaining Maths and/or English at GCSE/Functional skills level 2
  • Access to online courses and workshops on various topics
  • Tools and resources for improving communication and professional skills.
  • Best practices and guidelines.
  • Networking opportunities
  • Continued education and professional development opportunities.
  • Access to the latest research and information

Useful Resources

Surrey County Council provide free courses that can be included as part of a level 2/3 course:

This Care Certificate:

Mapping Tool:

Skills for Care

Skills for Health

Health Education England

HCSW Handbook QR code: The Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW) handbook is an online, easy to use, interactive handbook that includes a range of content and resources relevant to anyone in or interested in a HCSW role. It captures many areas of the HCSW’s journey including themes such as applying for a HCSW role, Care Certificate, career development, skills and “day in the life of” videos to showcase all the opportunities a HCSW can work in. The handbook is designed for the HCSW to access any of the themes that are relevant to them, whether this is at the start of their journey in the role and wondering how they can apply or developing their career or skills as a current HCSW. There is also a section on support to help direct the HCSW to further information on things such as raising concerns, health and wellbeing and buddying. Please make sure you are signed in to Athens in order to access the handbook.

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