GP trainees are supervised by Clinical Supervisors (CS) in rotated posts both in primary and secondary care and have Educational Supervisors who oversee their training programme for 3 years. You can find out more about becoming a GP Educational Supervisor
A CS is an appropriately trained educator who is responsible for overseeing a specified learner’s clinical work throughout a placement in a clinical environment. We are looking for GPs who intend to host learners and whose practices are happy for them to do so. All eligible general practitioners in Surrey and Sussex are welcome to attend our General Practice CS course which is run in collaboration with NHS England South East Primary Care Department and the Surrey Heartlands Training Hub.
The course is two-days, interactive, and will introduce GPs to the core knowledge and skills needed to work as a CS. The module introduces key concepts relating to ensuring safety for both learners and patients.
Recognising the pressures in general practice, the course will include protected time and built-in support for GMC recognition. We're confident that the enhancements will significantly enrich your learning experience and prepare you to excel in your role as a CS.
More information and dates of the next courses can be found on
this page
. You can register your interest to become a CS
Once accredited as a CS, you can apply for the Educator Pathway course to progress to becoming a ES. There is no longer a mandatory requirement to achieve a PG Cert to become an ES, but there is still funding and support for the qualification available.
Both the CS and ES accreditation and reaccreditation have been updated to be less onerous, and more relevant to busy clinicians, with streamlined forms, courses and processes.