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Library & Knowledge Service

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Welcome to your Library & Knowledge Services

Did you know there are friendly librarians and a wide range of online resources freely available to all NHS staff across Surrey Heartlands to support the work you do?

We work with the 5 NHS Library and Knowledge Services across Surrey Heartlands - Ashford and St Peter’s, Epsom and St Helier, Frimley, Royal Surrey and Surrey and Sussex. We work together to support you.

We can source relevant evidence for you to inform your decision-making in clinical practice and inform your professional development as you progress your career. We also deliver virtual training to enhance your skills and can signpost you to relevant online resources and physical libraries.


Your Evidence Librarian provides a variety of training sessions. Dates are set quarterly but we also deliver tailored sessions to individuals or teams at a time that is convenient so please contact us to arrange this.

Munch & Learns

We offer a range of munch and learn sessions, including

  • Accessing and using e-resources: Munch & Learn
  • Evidence Searching Tips: Munch & Learn
  • Critical Appraisal Tips: Munch & Learn
  • Reflective writing tips: Munch & Learn
  • Report Writing Tips for Apprentices: Munch & Learn

More information on how to book, can be found here .  For further information or any questions please email Kerry.

Evidence Search Service

Your Evidence Librarian will search for and summarise evidence for you, on a topic you specify. We aim to save you time and effort by searching across multiple sources of high-quality health-related information including published research, reports, and models used in other organisations, to inform your patient care and clinical practice, your service improvement work, and to support your academic studies and professional development. For further information or any questions please email Kerry.

To request an evidence search please complete our Evidence Search request form, or contact us. 

Examples of evidence summaries provided in response to evidence search requests:

Job Role Evidence search request
GP Cervical screening interventions for people with learning disabilities
GP Remote consultations and health inequalities
GP Improving outcomes for adults with learning disability and obesity / type 2 diabetes
GP Effectiveness of antibiotics to treat acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections
Lead Physiotherapist Abdominal massage to relieve constipation in people with learning disabilities
Clinical Pharmacist Administrative time for Vitamin B12 injections
Nurse Educator Cervical screening interventions for people who have experienced sexual abuse
Practice Nurse Doppler ultrasound (ABPI) protocol
Pathway Project Manager An evidence base for liver cancer
HIV Administrator Designing a sexual health clinic website for people with learning disabilities
Speech & Language Therapist Natural language acquisition and therapy approaches for children & adolescents on the Autistic Spectrum

Current Awareness Service

Our Current Awareness Service enables you to receive fortnightly or monthly email alerts – Evidence Updates – about the latest evidence, tailored to your clinical and professional interests. We use a web-based tool, KnowledgeShare, which contains guidelines, reports, evidence-based summaries, and original research, from multiple high quality sources of information across health and social care. The Evidence Updates are designed to highlight evidence you can implement into practice.

Sign up via our Community KnowledgeShare request form.

Please email Kerry  for further information.

Support for Quality Improvement (QI )

Your Evidence Librarians offer support to staff undertaking QI work:

  • Provision of an evidence base to ensure you are not starting from scratch
  • Useful QI tips
  • Encouragement to share and publicise QI projects across Surrey Heartlands
  • Signposting to relevant journals and websites to publish QI work

Please email Kerry for further information.

Surrey Training Hub Quality Improvement Resources Flyer

Support for Leadership

We facilitate ‘Read & Learn’ - a virtual reading group with a focus on leadership, management, and compassionate care, to encourage informal sharing of ideas and the opportunity to meet colleagues across the Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership, including Surrey 500 participants and alumni.

To join please contact Kerry  - we meet every 6 weeks for 30 minutes over lunchtime via MS Teams, all welcome.

Surrey Training Hub Leadership Resources flyer

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