Surrey Prescribing Advisory Database (PAD)
is an innovative resource which can be accessed by healthcare professionals in primary and secondary care and by patients, providing guidance and key information on medicines use within Surrey.
Asthma (All NICE products)
British Guideline on the Management of Asthma
Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS)
NHS England
National bundle of care for children and young people with asthma
NHS RightCare
Asthma Toolkit
BMJ Best Practice
(Requires an NHS OpenAthens account for access -
self-register here
Asthma in adults
Asthma in children
Acute asthma exacerbation in adults
Acute asthma exacerbation in children
Primary Care Respiratory Society
Asthma Guidelines in Practice - A PCRS Consensus
This toolkit is a resource developed by the Surrey Heartlands Children and Young people’s Asthma Team and is aimed at children and young people, their parents and carers, as well as those who work with and care for children and young people with asthma. Please click on the link above for further information.